Before booking any flight travellers need to check all the policies of that flight. Go through baggage fee and policies of the flight to make your journey hassle free. However baggage fee of flights can vary depending upon weight and size of your luggage. These fee can also differ based on the class you are travelling such as business class, economical class. Baggage fee and policy of Southwest Airlines Reservations is quite simple and straight forward. So it’s better to do little planning and avoid being caught in this ado. Suppose your luggage is above limit then you have to pay extra charges.
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Baggage Allowance
While booking flight on Southwest Airlines Official Site check all the details about baggage size, weight and what extra fee you have to pay if your luggage is oversized.
Southwest Airlines permits you to carry one carry-on and one personal item for free. Dimensions of carry-on bag can’t exceed 9 inches x 14 inches x 22 inches (22cm x 35 cm x 56 cm) including wheels and handles of your bag.
Personal item should be smaller one that may fit beneath your seat like laptop bag, purse, shoulder bag, bagpacks and small items. Maximum dimension of these bags are 9 inches x 10 inches x 17 inches (22 cm x 25cm x 43 cm). But if you are travelling in basic economy class, then you are allowed to bring only one personal item with you.
Weight of luggage depends on which class you are travelling.
Economy: 50 pounds (23 kg) and Business/First: 70 pounds (32 kg)
Baggage policy for overweight and oversized bags
Passengers need to pack their luggage accordingly. For carrying extra bag in Southwest Airlines Flights, charges may apply. For 1st checked bag, $30 will be charged. For 2nd checked bag $40 will be applied, and $200 for third checked bag. So make sure you check size and weight of luggage twice.
Luggage exceeding standard limit of 50 pounds (23 kg) and 70 pounds (32 kg), will be charged as per weight.
- 51 to 70 pounds (24 to 32 kg) will be charged $100 to $200 extra per bag
- 71 to 100 pounds (33 to 46 kg)will be charged $400extra per bag
- Bags that surpass 100 pounds (46 kg) will not be approved as checked baggage
So it’s always a nice idea to carry luggage within standard dimensions while having any Southwest Airlines Deals.
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